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Disabilities & Conditions of Aging Network, February 2023

Writer: jkwarrinerjkwarriner

February's meeting began late, as a result of technical difficulties. For some reason it took 20 minutes to get zoom to recognize that I was clicking on the "sign in" button! As a result, we started 15 minutes late with an important question about the stability of paid parental Caregiving as a permanent feature of Attendant Care services through the Aged & Disabled Medicaid Waiver. Please watch the video to learn about some important resources and issues confronting people with disabilities and conditions of aging in central Indiana and beyond!

Here are links for some of the upcoming events mentioned during the meeting:

Healthier Hamilton County's Financial Wellness as Suicide Prevention Workshop: This will be a Budgeting & Savings Workshop, inclusive of Stress Reduction Techniques. Please share out the info that you can find here and please invite anyone age 30 or under! You can also find the flyer directly here:

Special Needs Living's March 14th Event (mentioned in meeting by Jamie McCabe):

Special Needs Living's Mom's Weekend Retreat (in May):

EasterSeals Crossroads & DirectEmployers Indianapolis Disability Talent Showcase to connect employers & providers to job seekers with disabilities, held on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 1pm-2pm at Easterseals Crossroads at 4740 Kingsway Drive in Indianapolis, hybrid in-person and via Zoom at:

The next virtual meeting of the Disabilities & Conditions of Aging Network for central Indiana and beyond, hosted by Advocates Personal Care will be held on Thursday, March 23rd at 10am. It is an open network for providers and individuals connected to and working in the community of people with disabilities and/or conditions of aging in central Indiana and beyond. If you would like specific time on the March agenda to share about your organization's efforts, celebrations, or needs, please email Jeremy Warriner at before March 21st. The link for the March meeting is below:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 9620 8437

Passcode: 088859



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